Saturday, May 30, 2009

Review: Maudlin of the Well - Part the Second

Part the Second - album cover

Maudlin of the Well, a band whose name to this day inspires wetness in the nethers of many a pretentious Avant-garde music appreciator. And so, being a pretentious douche-bag scenester posuer from way back, i fucking love Motw. Their main songwriter Toby Driver disbanded them in 2003 for unknown reasons, subsequently starting up the group Kayo Dot who continued on with some Motw members and pretty much the same musical vision. But it was the first 3 albums (My Fruit Psychobells... A Seed Combustible, Bath and Leaving Your Body Map) he made with Motw that have become true Avant metal cult classics recieving international praise. They were thought to be gone for good though until on Motw's myspace page it was revealed that several fans had donated enough money to record a 4th Motw album and it was released for free download on multiple formats a couple of weeks ago.

And it is freaking impressive. Ive listened through its 5 tracks about 7-8 times since i downloaded it last week and im still finding things that i hadnt heard even on the 7th listen. It is very dense, more of a composition like most Motw albums. However, it lacks the metal noodlings of their past albums and opts to take a more chilled out symphonic shoegaze tack. Some Motw fans see this as a watering down of old Motw, but they are wrong. They are wrong in the fact that Motw without the metal was in fact what i always wondered about and hoped for one day. They are also wrong because they are obviously insane in the membrane. One listen to this record and you will realise what i am waffling about. So for your convenience i have placed a lovely download link so you can download this incredible piece of music and not feel bad coz its free. Free i tell you. Free like cafe sugar packets, irresponsibly unattended push bikes and Nelson Mandela. Enjoy!


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