Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ladies And Gentlemen...

As the Editor let me introduce myself- my name is Sammy Christie, and though we probably haven’t met, the chances are you’ve seen me at a gig sometime in the past five years. I’m a 21-year-old Monash Arts student delaying graduation so I can continue to write reviews in my spare time. Just for you. Some of my fundamentally defining moments have been experienced with the music I consider to be a major part of my life, so I’ll be doing my bit to raise awareness about bands and music that I really love. I’ll be the Punk and Indie contributor to this semi-pro site created for our devotion to auditory staples of our existence, keeping you updated on news from bands, gigs, releases, other assorted events and clarifying any speculation that may be mystifying other bloggers. Because while other bloggers out there might be writing about music because they’re bored and have nothing else to do, I have a feeling that if I should wish to add a journalism minor to my degree, this spectacular blog will promote my chances of immediate employment.

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